Table of Contents
Functional Parallelism
Future tasks are tasks with return values Future object is a “handle” for accessing a task’s return value
There are two key operations that can be performed on a future object, A
Assignment — A can be assigned a reference to a future object returned by a task of the form, future { ⟨ task-with-return-value ⟩ } (using pseudocode notation). The content of the future object is constrained to be single assignment (similar to a final variable in Java), and cannot be modified after the future task has returned.
Blocking read — the operation, A.get(), waits until the task associated with future object A has completed, and then propagates the task’s return value as the value returned by A.get(). Any statement, S, executed after A.get() can be assured that the task associated with future object A must have completed before S starts execution.
Creating Future Tasks in Java’s Fork/Join Framework
A future task extends the RecursiveTask class in the FJ framework, instead of RecursiveAction as in regular tasks. (RecursiveTask can have return value)
The 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚞𝚝𝚎() method of a future task must have a non-void return type, whereas it has a void return type for regular tasks.
A method call like 𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚝.𝚓𝚘𝚒𝚗() waits for the task referred to by object 𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚝 in both cases, but also provides the task’s return value in the case of future tasks.
- Create a data structure that stores the set {(\(x_1\),\(y_1 = f(x_1)\)),(\(x_2\),\(y_2 = f(x_2)\)),...} for each call \(f(x_i)\) that returns \(y_i\).
- Perform look ups in that data structure when processing calls of the form \(f(x\prime)\) when \(x\prime\) equals one of the \(x_i\) inputs for which \(f(x_i)\) has already been computed.
Memoization can be especially helpful for algorithms based on dynamic programming. In the lecture, we used Pascal’s triangle as an illustrative example to motivate memoization.
The memoization pattern lends itself easily to parallelization using futures by modifying the memoized data structure to store {(\(x_1\),\(y_1 = f(x_1)\)),(\(x_2\),\(y_2 = f(x_2)\)),...}. The lookup operation can then be replaced by a get() operation on the future value, if a future has already been created for the result of a given input.
Java Streams
the following pipeline can be used to compute the average age of all active students using Java streams:
1 | |
An important benefit of using Java streams when possible is that the pipeline can be made to execute in parallel by designating the source to be a parallel stream, i.e., by simply replacing in the above code by students.parallelStream() or Stream.of(students).parallel(). This form of functional parallelism is a major convenience for the programmer, since they do not need to worry about explicitly allocating intermediate collections (e.g., a collection of all active students), or about ensuring that parallel accesses to data collections are properly synchronized.
Determinism and Data Races
A parallel program is said to be:
- functionally deterministic if it always computes the same answer when given the same input.
- structurally deterministic if it always computes the same computation graph, when given the same input.
Data Races
There may be cases of “benign” nondeterminism for programs with data races in which different executions with the same input may generate different outputs, but all the outputs may be acceptable in the context of the application, e.g., different locations for a search pattern in a target string.
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Fork/Join 框架与 Java Stream API
Java Stream的操作分为两类,也可以分为三类,具体的细节可以参考该文章:Java Streams API。一个简单的判断一个操作是否是Terminal操作还是Intermediate操作的方法是,如果操作返回的是一个新的Stream,那么就是一个Intermediate操作,否则就是一个Terminal操作。
- Intermediate:一个流可以后面跟随零个或多个 intermediate 操作。其目的主要是打开流,做出某种程度的数据操作,然后返回一个新的流,交给下一个操作使用。这类操作都是惰性化的(lazy),就是说,仅仅调用到这类方法,并没有真正开始流的遍历。
- Terminal:一个流只能有一个 terminal 操作,当这个操作执行后,流就被使用“光”了,无法再被操作。所以这必定是流的最后一个操作。Terminal 操作的执行,才会真正开始流的遍历,并且会生成一个结果,或者一个 side effect。
Java Stream对四种类型的Terminal操作使用了Fork/Join实现了并发操作,下面的图片展示了这四种操作类型:
- Find
- ForEach
- Match
- Reduce
1 | Stream.of(1,2,3,4) |
1 | //step 1: |
Construct a new Stream by appending a stateless intermediate operation to an existing stream.